‘In Their Own Words’ Part 4 watch party


Watch Party for Part Four of ‘In Their Own Words’.
Sunday 31st October 18.30 – 20.00 on Zoom

Part Four of the documentary ‘In Our Own Words, The Cairo Dance Scene Explained’, brings us up to date on the current Cairo dance scene. It includes an over view with personal accounts of how the Covid pandemic has affected the business. Part Four also moves the focus away from just the dancers themselves, to others who make up the world of oriental dance in Cairo: musicians, entrepreneurs, employers and club owners, managers and, not least, members of the public who make up the dancers’ audience. Is there a shift in the direction of the dance, and if so, what is driving it? How does it feel to be in this world right now?

If you are interested in oriental dance and its development, you can’t afford to miss this series. And by joining us in this watch party, you will have the chance to give your feedback, ask questions and hear behind the scenes accounts of the making of Part Four from producer Yasmina of Cairo, and director Sara Farouk.

This event takes place on Zoom – we watch the documentary together and then get the opportunity to ask questions and discuss any issues it raises.

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